Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Little Baby Doll

She still needs pink cheeks, and her hat and bunting. She is not perfect, and in her imperfection she is a just right.
(I have been calling her Sweetie, because I like to give them a name while I make them.)


Amy said...

Oh my, that is the cutest dolly I have seen in a long time. Since the one you made a few months back, that is.

Let me guess, it took you less than 2 hours to create. (It would take me 2, make that 2 weeks.)

leaner said...

Actually- she has taken longer, because I messed her little head up. (She is the one I am making for you.)

Amy said...

Mine!? I was hoping you'd say that. She actually looks a bit like my niece (the one I'm going to give her to). Perfect!