I joined a swap. This isn't something I normally do, but I felt compelled to
make an apron for someone I don't know. The theme? Fall. I went to Joann's to look for fabric. The only request the person I am making it for had was "Not bright orange." Ugh, every fabric was covered in bright orange pumpkins. Or maybe it was me, not feeling inspired at that moment by anything. (That happens sometimes doesn't it?)
So now, I am hoping to make it to Joann's tomorrow morning. I am trying to feel inspired and to get this apron made and on its way to the swapper. Because I need to feel like I have accomplished SOMETHING darn it.
By the way, I have sewn myself a few aprons. I made one to hold my clothespins. I hated having to go back and forth from my peg bag. But now? I have a lovely apron that easily holds hundreds of clothespins and when I wear it, I feel sexy. It might just be the way that the apron hangs, just so, from my waist. It might be that it is short. It might be that I am insane and will find any excuse to pretend to feel sexy. Who knows. Now I want to make aprons to wear all of the time. Like one to hold cleaning supplies (windex, spray cleaner, etc.) but it needs to be sturdy- like canvas I think. I will need to think about it a little.
I need to make a cover for a boppy. My sister wants a boppy, I have one that is not in use. She wants her stuff to be brown with pink dots. I am thinking that on one side minkee on the other. I saw a cover
like that online for $25. I think I should be able to make it for less. I don't know, minkee isn't cheap fabric.